Deep Dive.  Debate Doha

Deep Dive

Por Debate Doha

Formato: ePub  
Protección:Sin DRM
Disponibilidad: Descarga inmediata


In a world of dramatically polarized positions and harsh political divides, the lack of civil discourse leads to troubling ends — namely, diminished trust in society and entrenchment into our own limited worldviews. Sharing our strongly held beliefs with those who agree with us can be easy, particularly in a time when social media creates an echo chamber. But if we are to collectively identify solutions to the world’s most complex issues, we must be willing to bridge differences and engage with ideas that we may not agree with. Engaging in productive conversations requires critical thinking, self-awareness, empathy, tolerance, a sense of civic responsibility, a willingness to learn from each other and a belief that individual action matters. Deep Dive offers learning materials to help educators foster these skills and mindsets in their learners in order to unite and inspire a generation to address the world’s challenges and build a better future.

Debate Doha

  • Editorial:
  • Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press
  • ISBN:
  • 9789927155635
  • Idioma:
  • Inglés
  • Tamaño:
  • Kb
  • Publicado:
  • Diciembre 26, 2021
  • Ciencia social / General
    Negocios y Economía / General

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