An Evening With Me.  Gene DiVita

An Evening With Me

Por Gene DiVita

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Love is a very desired and sought-after experience without one knowing the full range of emotions that accompany it. In the midst of love are euphoria, excitement, passion, and constantly wanting to be in the presence of your lover. However, there is much angst, fear, threats of loss, separation and abandonment coinciding with the exhilaration. The question arises, ?Is the ecstasy of falling in love worth the ever-present risk of the despair of losing the love?" Most do not consider the question at the beginning of a relationship and proceed to fall in love. Only after love is lost does one question this risk of falling in love. Many choose to never love again. Others continue to pursue the elusive thing called love, while some brave hearts leap again and again into that unknown abyss called love. These love poems and stories attempt to express the wonders of love along with the risk, so lovers can identify and understand their experiences in the world of love. By no means is this the total picture of love nor will it be identical to your love song, because love is similar and different, universal and individual.

Gene DiVita

  • Editorial:
  • Eloquent Books
  • ISBN:
  • 9781606935293
  • Idioma:
  • Inglés
  • Tamaño:
  • Kb
  • Publicado:
  • Diciembre 29, 2013
  • Poesía / General

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