Swiss Family Robinson.  Úna McGuinnes

Swiss Family Robinson

Por Chloe Rose Brown, Úna McGuinnes

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The story begins on a ship full of migrants hit by a storm on the way to America. The crew had escaped the ship but in the confusion, some of the travellers: Mr. Starck and his family were left behind. Adapted from the novel written by the pastor Johann David Wyss, published in 1812, which deals with a Swiss family that was shipwrecked in the East Indies, while on its way to Port Jackson (Australia). The father conceived the novel with the intention of teaching his four children about family values, good habits, the natural world and self-confidence. English Level B1 Interactive PDF: it has links that allow access from the reading to the glossary and viceversa. 20 original illustrations of the 70s in each title.

Úna McGuinnes

  • Editorial:
  • Hiares
  • ISBN:
  • 9788433317681
  • Idioma:
  • Inglés
  • Tamaño:
  • Kb
  • Publicado:
  • Diciembre 30, 2018
  • Cuentos, Leyendas y Fábulas
    Estudio de Lengua Extranjera / General

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