Christian Economic Heterodoxy.  Marcin Sk?adanowski

Christian Economic Heterodoxy

Lublin Theological Studies

By Przemys?aw Kantyka, Piotr Kopiec, Marcin Sk?adanowski

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This volume could be written differently. It could present the Protestant theological view on the economy from Luther, Zwingli and Calvin until contemporary prominent theologians. Or it could be a description of the teaching of one of the Protestant Churches or denomination. Or it could be an investigation of the traces of Protestant theology in the contemporary prevailing economic order. All such presentations could be hugely interesting and accurate ? and they would be reasonable in light of the most critical questions of today's world. However, the authors would propose a different approach that is not disjunctive, contrasting or opposing to the above-mentioned and that instead wants to reveal new trends and processes occurring in the Protestant world and bringing a new, more critical view on capitalism and its offspring, such as consumptionism.

Marcin Sk?adanowski

Piotr Kopiec is Professor of Protestant Theology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Member of the Council of the National Science Center in Poland, member of the Standing Committee of the European Society for Ecumenical Research „Societas Oecumenica“, and president of the Theological Commission of the International Ecumenical Fellowship. Author of 6 scientific books and over a hundred scientific articles.