The Craft of Musical Composition.  John Colman

The Craft of Musical Composition

By Paul Hindemith, Clifford Caesar (Traductor), John Colman (Traductor)

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Originally published in the 1940s, Paul Hindemith's remarkable textbooks are still the outstanding works of their kind. In contrast to many musical textbooks written by academic musicians, these were produced by a man who could play every instrument of the orchestra, could compose a satisfying piece for almost every kind of ensemble, and who was one of the most stimulating teachers of his day. It is therefore not surprising that many years later these books should remain essential reading for the student and the professional musician. Parts 1 and 2 of "Unterweisung im Tonsatz" were already translated into English during Hindemith's lifetime, when he was in exile in America during the Nazi era. The long-awaited translation of Part 3 with exercises for three-part composition completes the English edition "The Craft of Musical Composition".

John Colman

  • Publisher:
  • Schott Music
  • ISBN:
  • 9783795732158
  • Language:
  • Inglés
  • Size:
  • Kb
  • Published:
  • December 31, 2023
  • Música

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