Wellbeing in Early Modern Christianity.  Herman J. Selderhuis

Wellbeing in Early Modern Christianity

Refo500 Academic Studies (R5AS)

By Karla Boersma (Editor), Herman J. Selderhuis (Editor)

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Today, wellbeing is high on the personal and societal agenda, but thinking about wellbeing certainly is not a new phenomenon. The Greek philosopher Aristotle, for example, came up with the concept of Eudaimonia – the contented state of feeling healthy, happy, and prosperous – and this concept has been influential up until today. Starting from Augustine's thoughts on the topic of wellbeing, which had a great influence on theologians and others in the Early Modern Era, the contributions in this book reflect on a variety of topics ranging from wellbeing for the soul and the body to broader related concepts and theories approaching the theme from such disciplines as music, literature, history and theology.

Herman J. Selderhuis

Karla Boersma is director of operations of Refo500, the international platform for knowledge, expertise, ideas, products, and events, specializing in the 500 year legacy of the 16th century reformations and program director of the Coram Deo Program. She was co-editor of the exhibition books Power of Faith – 450 Years of the Heidelberg Catechism (2013) Macht des Glaubens – 450 Jahre Heidelberger Katechismus (2013) and God, Heidelberg en Oranje, 450 jaar Heidelbergse Catechismus (2013). Other books: Calvijn en de Nederlanden (2009), Maarten Luther, Brevier, Woorden voor elke dag (2015) and Maarten Luther, Tot dienst aan God, Teksten over opvoeding en onderwijs (2016).